2015-02-20, 1:39
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Komentarz dziennikarki na temat tego wywiadu...
"Chapter 22 in Chopper's 2nd book Hits & Memories explains more about that day. I have explained it in previous comments, articles, TV ages etc. Quick summary: I wanted Chopper to explain how he won Russian Roulette against the Chinese mafia because his 'strategy' was to take 2 shots at his own head. When he loaded the gun & pulled the trigger, I didn't know I'd be going 2nd. I didn't believe he'd pull the trigger in my face. The cameraman called 'enough'. Chop said 'now the camera is off, I'll tell you how I won. An overly oiled barrel takes the weight of the bullet to the 3rd or 4th chamber - so the first 2 are clear.' Is it true? Maybe? Does it work every time. I doubt it."