Ostatnio narzekaliście, że odcinki są za długie. Ten jest krótki. Czy krótki niczym Napoleon? Zapraszam!
- Andrew Roberts, Napoleon Wielki, Wydawnictwo Magnum, Warszawa 2015.
- Stanley Ulijaszek, Francis Johnston, Michael Preece, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Growth and Development, Cambridge University Press 1998.
- Andrea Barham, Napoleon Wasn’t Short and St. Patrick Wasn’t Irish: When History Gets It Wrong, Michael O'Mara Books, 2014.
- Claude-Francois de Meneval, Working with Napoleon: Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte by His Private Secretary, Enigma Books, Nowy Jork 2011.
- Fran Hawthorne, It's No Tall Tale, Height Matters, [w:] „Fact or Fiction: Science Tackles 58 Popular Myths”, Scientific American, Nowy Jork 2013.
- John Komlos oraz Francesco Cinnirella, European Heights in the Early 18th Century, „Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial-und Wirtschaftsgeschichte“, tom 94, nr 3, 2007.
- Gayle Brewer oraz Charlene Riley, Height, relationship satisfaction, jealousy, and mate retention, „Evolutionary Psychology“, tom 7, nr 3, 2009.
- Nic Fleming, Short man syndrome is not just a tall story, „The Daily Telegraph“,
- Mark van Vugt, Does Putin Suffer From the Napoleon Complex?,
- Robert Wilde, Was Napoleon Bonaparte Short?,
- Ken Jennings, The Debunker: Was Napoleon Short?