• 2013-04-24, 17:08
Walka o postęp nigdy się nie kończy
Scantily clad activists of feminist group Femen invaded a conference at a university in Brussels. During the act, demonstrators threw water on the Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels, Andre-Joseph Leonard. The priest did not react and avoided looking at the activists. The protest was against homophobia, according to international agencies. At the end of the demonstration, the archbishop kissed a picture of the Virgin Mary to leave the room. Born in Ukraine and with subsidiaries in several countries (including Brazil and nations with a Muslim majority), the Femen often campaigning for the rights of women and minorities. One of their banners is the defense of gay marriage.
• 2013-04-24, 21:48
Najlepszy komentarz (67 piw)
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Ciekawe o co poszło.Może to jakiś pedofil ,prawickie pedałki.
Dla Twojej świadomości nadmienię więcej przypadków pedofilii to osoby homoseksualne - na 1000 pedofilów 400 jest homoseksualistami a 1 księdzem - jednakże jedne przypadki są nagłaśniane w mediach, drugie odnośnie pedofilów pedałów już nie.