Sprecyzuje, to było złoto polskiego rządu na uchodźtwie. Stalin nie chciał dawać racji zywnosciowych dla armi andersa i ludzie przeszli do aliantów.
Gdyby chcieli to by dawno rozniesli ten syf w trzy pizdy. Ale nie chca bo jak na tamten region świata mają wzgledne warunki i chuja im sie chce. Zwłaszcza mało kto wie że w Iranie isteje jako taki socjal i jest praca. Nie wspomne o ropie która płynie do chin.
Co do pomocy to zdazały sie przypadki, i sam bym z chęcia pomógł Irańczykowi jakby byl przelotem w Polsce do swojej ojczyzny.
Ale nie róbmy z tego jakiejs histeri i nie przekładajmy na nasze czasy, gdzie banda nierobów chce sie wylegiwac na socjalu.
Polish patriots DO NOT approve of what polish-speaking (not polish!) government is doing. It may seem like Poland is a civilised western european country but unfortunately it's not. It is said communism has ended in Poland in '89. That's just pure theory. In reality, back then, new polish government was filled with former collaborators and traitors. Why do I mention this? Because to this day, so for 30 years now(!), Poland's been under authority of the same people. None of them represents polish interest. Some groups are german agents, some other do everything for USA/Israel instead for Poland (that refers to Poland's current government). PiS party is as yours as Poland's enemy. They've sold up to Israel years ago and are consequently pursuing jewish interests quietly. They spend millions of euros on jewish museums, cemeteries and anti-polish propaganda. Few years back, together with previous government, they almost sold Poland's State Forests just to get money for Jews! Only 5 votes were missing to do so - that should give you the image of how much polish government is corrupted. Right now they are preparing to pay Jews war reparations(sic!!!!!!), ca 87 BILLION dollars!!! Since Poland doesn't even have that kind of money and it's drowning in debt, polish government plans to give it all to Jews in real estate (not only can this bancrupt our country but will also create a second Israel here with Poles as "worse kind" in comparison to newly arrived Jews and their great economic position). All of this while Israel is constantly lying about the WWII history trying to rewrite it (and have at least an illusion of some kind of justification for it's financial claims), is constantly inslulting and offending Polish nation and represents nothing but contempt and hate towards Poles. Majority od polish government is of jewish descent and former soviet/nazi collaborators. Not that long ago they celebrated hanukkah at POLISH PARLIAMENT.
"Times of Israel" writes openly about jewish "elite" planning to move to Poland and create there a new jewish society, with economic advantage of jewish elite who will easily establish it's political force. Us, Poles, we'll be just like Paliestinians in the Palestine.
Polish citizens are uninformed; most of them doesn't even know what's going on. That's because all mainstream media in Poland are either government controlled (TVP) or they belong to foreign media gropus; Interia.pl, RMF FM: Germany (Bauer Verlagsgruppe), TVN: USA, the head is David Zaslav - jewish activist, Onet.pl: Germany (Ringier Axel Springer Media AG), Newsweek: Germany (Ringier Axel Springer Media AG), Fakt: Germany (Axel Springer SE), Radio Zet - France (Uerozet). Polish media are basically NON EXISTENT. That's why we have such government and that's why most of the people don't have a clue about anything: they know stuff from the tv or newspapers - and maintream media in Poland lie all the time or in the best case scenario: tell half-truths or nothing at all. There are Poles who dig deeper and use the internet trying to get to the truth, we're sick of being slaves in our own country. We're still a minority in this sad, dependent, pushed around country, but we're hopeful and there are people who try to fight back. Marsz Niepodległości (the same people who organise Poland's annual Independence March), as polish patriots are in fact very active in protesting the government saying no to sucking up to Israel. Other national movements support them and together are saying no to war with Iran:
..and many more. Right now they organized a petition to kick israeli diplomats out of Poland as recently they said, that "Poles are born anti semites."
It probably won't change a thing but at least shows that there are other voices in Poland that are not ready to give up.
Please do not mix this corrupted and shameful government with what's truly polish. Us, Polish patriots, will always remember our friendship.
Please share my comment in other places, copy and paste it as your own if necessary. Spread the truth.
Bardzo dobry komentarz, jak nie rozumiecie to nic nie poradzę....
Wow, niesamowite odkrycie kolumbie. Twoich starych jeszcze nie bylo na swiecie jak Izrael zaczal pierwsze naloty na cele wojskowe w Iranie.
Bo sie zaraz porycze. Zrobila was w chuja. Wszystkie kurwy salutowaly wierząc ze sa najlepsza rasą na swiecie. A po wojnie jak im pokazali obozy koncentracyjne to oczywiscie, nie wiedzialam, to nazisci zrobili
Bardziej jestem w stanie uwierzyć że sam Hitler nie wiedział o holokauscie bo nie chcial. Dał tylko bodziec a niemcy zrobili reszte. Za holokaust odpowiedzialny byl Himmler. Sam hitler ogólnie był słaby, i nadawal sie tylko do rezyserowanych przemow do narodu, i przestawianiu zolnierzykow na mapie w wilczym. Pewnie sam by płakał jakby zobaczyl co SS robi zludzmi.
szkoda ze twoi spierdolili jednego chwasta było by mniej - za to nasi walczyli
a tym kim jesteś? apostoł dobroci? jesteś epizodem, zerem, gównem histori przepływającym przez rynsztok ludzkiej historii... takich jak ty nabijano na pale, obcinano głowy, rozrywano końmi bo myśleli że człowiek to istota wyższa... a człowiek jest bestią którą każdy ma genetycznie wszytą w siebie. Dołącz z swoimi mądrościami do kolegi i pieprzcie się razem, może powstanie nowa rasa w co bardzo wątpię.